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Nelson D Reyes

Love Alone

Adoring Souls

Love Alone
           Adoring Souls
There can be no barriers
For a soul to transcend another
Between Eros inspired beings
Love sublimely they may beyond passion
Insatiable thirst
          Cloud nine hungry souls entwined
Fiery lovers do
Time yet again they quench imbibe longingly
The intoxicating fragrance invigorating ambrosia
Euphoric ecstasy engulfed they share deeply
Sweet honey nectar elixir of the forbidden fruit
So good so calming
Beautiful it is!
So fulfilling idyllic they lay
Blessed hearts float on air
          Eros aimed arrow straight up
Barriers there are none
              . . .

A quatrain/ haiku on love. Deep affection and
hunger for love a natural for Eros.
(Public domain photo of art work by A. Canova
"..Cupid's Kiss", ca.1700)

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