Nelson D Reyes

Love All We Need

Love All We Need
         ...not scorched earth...
There is a mad man
In the room beside himself
Crazed out of his mind
His middle finger
Poised hovers the red button
Scorched earth all he thinks
...any country in
the way giving assistance
to the enemy...
Will get the angels of death
From Dante’s deepest inferno
Hordes of fallen angels not
Seen heretofore will reap souls
For the taking forked
Tail Satan howls with bloodshot eyes
And scorched earth down on
Its knees the Pale Rider grinned
Laughed so hard then choked to death
Trinity Virtues... over Satanic ambitions
1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Photo: Getty Images

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