Nelson D Reyes

Lamb’s Book Of Life

“So God [the Father] created mankind in his own image...male and female he created them.”- Genesis 1:27 NIV ...brackets mine

                    Lamb’s Book Of Life
The grim reaper there at the door
At all times 24/7,  evil stoic Satan
He knows all humans are mortal will die
Sooner later they die sooner better
Be aware though he can get bored
Just like humans big time
“No angel born in hell
could break that Satan’s spell”
And when bored one has to die...
Bored enough he wields a pandemic
Baggage or no baggage saints or sinners
Are welcome all including the material things
They fuel the fire in Tartarus his abode
Searing red comfortably chilling out with wicked souls
Unlike St Peter’s white pearly gates
Where mortals have to check their
Belongings on earth before ascending...
Nothing unclean gets past the gates
Not anyone whose name does not appear
Written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Is your name included in that book?
In my mother’s heart
Nestled the Apostles’ Creed
At birth she gifted to me
Jesus Christ crucified
Secured our deliverance
From the condemnation of sin
All who believe are redeemed
Clean in front of the pearl gates
Name secured written
In the Lamb’s book of life
(c)ndr 06.18.2023
Photo: The Lamb’s Book Of Life, Library of Congress


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