Nelson D Reyes

La Aurora

Note: Poem “La Aurora” written by my grandfather, one of many he did. He wrote mostly about Christian ethics. I included this short poem in my page as requested by YTHall, a new friend, who writes in Castilian here in Poeticous.com.

La Aurora

Brilla al fin entre celajes
del firmamento la aurora,

y con sus reflejos dora
los esplendidos paisajes;

los verdinegros ramajes,
toda natura a porfía,

lucen tras la noche umbria,
su rutilante verdor,

su corola abre la flor,
saludando al Nuevo dia.

[En verso de Jose Gonzalez Reyes, 1913]


Dawn peers at last
among the clouds of heaven,

its reflections splendor
to landscape bring;

Green and black branches,
to all nature it persists

shines after the dark night,
It’s verdant greenery

it’s crown of light opens the flower
Greeting the New day.

[Translation into English, Derek M. Reyes]

(c)DMR6.10.2018 Derek M. Reyes is my first cousin, the chronicler of the family.
Photo: NASA (?)

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