Nelson D Reyes

Into Fall

Into Fall
   ...we settle... green leaves into rainbow shades... nature’s September song... a prelude... ndr
The tar sheen night sky cloud briefly parted
A tired silver disc moon warily glimpsed
Hide back as more dark sky clouds closed wind swept
Again like the nights past weary unsettled
Into fall cool nights we transition soon
Sweet soft breezes equinox September
Upon us pumpkins apple pies sweet cider
Gatherings a celebratory tune
Yet the moon is in pain hiding its tear
Remembrances of romance and daydream
Kept the sorrows at bay how long not seen
No telling when the sky one day will clear
Settle we long for oh breathing spaces
‘Neath the smiling moon will be embraces
Photo:ndr Herndon Va

A wish for a soft moon’s reflection on everybody’s face to come back going into fall and the season of joy and beyond.

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