Nelson D Reyes

Happy Trails Sun

                      Happy Trails Sun
...into the dark sunset out the black tunnel to galaxies of dancing bright stars... ndr
Purveyor of life... ahh...
Father Sun
But you are in
Your mid-life crisis
In your single seater
Top down cruiser
Milky Way roadster
You enjoy for four and a half
Billion... yes billions of years
You mellowed a little bit
You are strangely turning
Yellow with lots of crowns
Golden on your head sprouting
And pretty soon in another
Five billion plus years  roughly
On your last sizzling birthday
You’ll be a red giant bleeding
Dancing yet a cool bolero
Steady solar beat ala Ravel
Thinking retirement in
Another few billions of years
Taking care of all your
Domain in the solar kingdom
Steady as you go in equilibrium state
With the usual plasma burst
Your energy flare ups gas burps
Dealing with your earthbound
Children’s concerns regarding
Climate disturbances and gasses
Yeti size carbon footprints garbage
Forests plastic oceans and sea shores
Your beautiful beloved child Eden
Once a dazzling blue orb
Now a ball of toxic wax
Desperately shaking off
The deadly noxious lethal girth grip
Of the vitriolic environment
With the usual ups and downs
You do in the horizons of all the planets
On your watch you smile a flower Rumi
Smile in your sky garden of life
But alas! A reckoning
You have to face up reality
Been born a dwarf
Nice to be a giant too
But shrinking is in the cards
Good news is you’ll
Heat up again energized
But lose all your iron redness
Turn to white as a ghost
On your throne shrink to a dwarf
Disappear in the dark
Like the phantom of the opera
A ghost! A dwarf again!
The once supreme heaven proud
Purveyor of life in the band
Sequins of stars Milky Way
Now a scary white ghost
Halloween fixture in the sky
And a dwarf star at that
A circus barker carnival
Penny cage attraction
The kids laugh at
And will run out of life soon
In a few hundreds of billion of years
In the dark dungeon far far away
Orbit on dear friend our father sun
Trail west once more buckaroo
Reminisce the good life get rested
Enjoy the ride in your single seat
Rag top Milky Way roadster
Hark back check the rear view mirror
Ride the rainbows of the firmaments
Been a fun ride every moment with you
During our human lifetime
A mere moment but glorious times
With you around literally and literarily
Crazy we were with you and
Your faithful lover consort moon
You romanced in full view eclipses
Again and again stripped her
Naked to red blood ecstasies
She returning the favor in equal fervor
In another hundreds of billions of years
We’ll look you up when we are in town
In one of those mysterious parallel
And get crazy again and again with your
Hypnotizing dazzling dawns and sunsets
We’re there with you
‘Til then Happy trails
Photo: NASA

sun worshiping

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