Nelson D Reyes


Poem inspired by the Tau Alpha Down Under Brods get together, a Saturday winter outing July 16, 2022.

Dance the dance of life
Love steps with the song
In tune with the melody
Dance with your life love
With the song you both love
With the song you both sing
A forward progression
A two step taken as one
Smiles at missteps
Lyrics forgotten hummed
Smile you stay the moment
With the song you love
You laugh you sing you dance
Together the dance of life
Photo:Grab from the video “Dance me to the end of love”
Video: Dance me to the end of love/ Song by L Cohen, 6:09 minutes

“Dance offers us an opportunity to extend beyond ourselves, strengthen our social bonds with others...Dancing captures the spirit of life...a physical and emotional outlet...” From “The Meaning of Life” a Psychology Today article October 5, 2021 online post by Alex Pattakos

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