Nelson D Reyes

America Can’t Breathe

Toxic Fumes

America Can’t Breathe
This is the Big Apple
I am an entrepreneur
Just selling cigarettes on the sidewalk
Please I can’t breathe
Yes a pack of cigarettes please
Here’s a twenty dollar bill
No not  returning it i am buying it
Please I can’t breathe
I am just jogging in Georgia
I am just staying home in Louisville
I am just walking I am just driving
I am just shopping I am just enjoying the beach
I am a human born with dark skin that is all
Because I am hated
Because my skin is not the right color
Because I have a different look
Because I am a subhuman a monkey
Coast to coast a pandemic of suffocation ...of hate
Gilded in hypocrisy love not hate
A  justice for all one nation under God all  are created equal mantra
The cigarettes were in the wrong hands again and yet again
The land of the free the brave
America the beautiful torched
Toxic fumes so suffocating
The covid virus a non– event
America can’t breathe
Photo: TV News grab

Faith Hope Love can help America breathe better, breathe the fresh air and turn the page for a welcoming America for all, a “renewing of the mind”.

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