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Nelson D Reyes

Anachronism and Hope

Anachronism and Hope

Mick Jagger and Rolling Stones are still touring and others from generations ago, etc. YouTube is replete with oldies but goodies. Life goes on and anachronism plays a big part of it. Eclectic in a sense.

We can not predict anything in this chaotic times we live in– there is  a technological change almost every minute, GPT all of a sudden got out of the closet and we panic.
We don’t know any certainties of the social, economic, and of the political future. Stability of any kind  is out of the question. Breathing in is what we know precisely in the moment we are in. We don’t even know if we can breathe out.

Monarchy coronations IS a big deal in Europe especially so in England, we know.
Anachronistic yes. But they accept it. Not all of England no of course. And some parts of the world love it. Not necessarily the monarchy itself but the spectacle of the whole celebrations. There’s something in it that makes them feel good in a way that could be inspiring to them. Why would anyone stay under a heavy downpour for hours on end to see a parade? Let alone see an aging monarch.  When they can watch it in the full comfort of their home?

Maybe uplifting in a sense that there are still some age old cherished traditions that shaped the history of the world going through darkness and enlightenment. A kind of hope inside the Pandora’s box –inside our heart and soul that we know humanity is inherently good. Why would anyone, any entity keep the Pandora box sealed permanently?

King Charles III coronation will not be the end of it not anytime soon. Despite the anachronistic image of monarchy there will be more to come. Heirs are in line.

Hope springs eternal it seems among the subjects. And that is a good thing (Genesis).


(c)ndr 05.07.2023
Photo: BBC online King CharlesIII Coronation

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