i’m a vast ship surrounded by an ocean of love.
your body is your vessel, your ship. it’s mine. we love our body. it’s not always perfect but it is beautiful. from your stretch marks to the large scars. they’re beautiful.
i know you don’t like them but we can only do so much at a time. be gentle with your body. this is your ship. don’t damage it any further. we’ve been through too much. take care of it. maintain it, love it, nourish it, worship it.
you are beautiful. i am beautiful. you are enough. i am enough. feel your heart, feel your ribs, feel your stomach, feel your heartbeat in your fingertips, feel the way the vein in your head pulsates, feel the thrills through your spine. feel each beat race after the other. that’s you.
that’s God’s love through you. that’s God breathing life into you. He has created you for a purpose. He created you from dead soil. He breathed life into you. each breath you take is by His wonderful grace.
you are a vessel full of love. so much love. a vessel that’s dented and has scraps but still standing majestically and beautifully sculpted. we find beauty and wonder in all that we do. through our pain, guilt, anger, shame, happiness, peace, contentment, through it all.
you are not your hardships. the bad things that have happened are not your fault. they just happen and it’s unfair. life is silly like that. you’re dealt with the cards you have. you have to make the best of every situation.
my best is through love. even in my pain i find love.
find connection always, in happy times and sad times. never let your heart harden. connecting during hard times is not a bad thing. it never is. this is your strength. never your weakness. seeking help is not a weakness. it’s choosing to see good among all the bad and the pain. it’s choosing love over isolation. it’s choosing love over fear, anger and sadness. it’s choosing you. it’s choosing me. it’s choosing us.
seeking help is seeking love. if someone can’t give it, that’s okay. we’ll look elsewhere. we’ll talk about our problems, we’ll find people we love and care. the people who love us will always make time for us. always.
when all fails, we help ourself. look out your window. look at the sky. sky blue? dark blue? grey clouds? clear skies? look at the trees. their stillness, is there a breeze? do you hear the leaves? does that make you want to go out? do it. go for a walk. that’s all you have to do.
God is present through it all. i find solace in nature. He’s present with every step we take. He’s there with every footstep we place on the gentle earth. He’s in the leaves, the wind, the sun, the moon, He’s behind your eyelids, in your fingertips, He’s in the people all around you.
He’s in every person you’ve ever loved. He’s going to be in the people you will meet down the road and learn to love. He’s in your pain and joy. He’s in your happiness and in your cries. He’s here through it all.
surrender to Him. surrender to the fact that He knows what’s best for you. surrender to the fact that there’s a silver lining in everything that happens. you don’t walk the steps you do without a reason. theres no series of events that ever occurs without His knowledge.
there’s a reason for everything. only He knows why. despite this, have faith in His plan. there’s so much beauty and adventure ahead, so much joy and love. so much loss and pain. so many tears but so many lessons to gain. so much love to experience. so much love to fill your already filled heart.
loss is always painful. people come and go but their love stays with your forever. people have poured their love in me, planted beautiful seeds and helped water my garden. i’m growing. my seeds will blossom. my plants will soon bear many fruits and flowers. love will be in abundance.
treat yourself kindly. you are loved. you deserve love. feel your heartbeat, take a deep breath. feel your lungs expand and fill up with love. feel your heart move against your lungs, feel it against your rib cage. feel how it settles down back into your lungs. feel your chest rise with cool air and the lightness and clarity that comes with.
your body is a vessel surrounded by an ocean of love. take care of your body. things will come together. they always do. take care of your vessel. treat it with love and care. accept it’s flaws and hold your head high.
my very essence is love. my soul is full of the spirit of nature and ambition. i am one with the gentle waves in the ocean. i glisten in the sun and the moonlight. i exist for love. i’ll carry it forth with me in my work, in my relationships, in my interactions. i want to catalyse the people around me and connect, taking them deeper than they’ve ever gone before. i want love and passion to be present in all that i do. i’ll get there.
as someone i dearly loved once said, in a world where you can be anything, be kind.