Morgan Tidwell


Broken, Bound
Chained to the ground
The enemy whispers defeat
We listen and fall, believing it all
Giving Satan a front row seat
The Savior steps in
Trying to mend
The damage the devil has done
We push Him aside in hopes we can hide
But the devil has just begun
God runs to our side
Tries to push back the tide
Of the waves we’ve let into our life
But with selfish ambitions and prideful intentions
We cut God’s heart like a knife
He lets us be
Waiting to see
How long it will take for us
To fall on our face, decide we want to erase
All the pain, the mistakes and the dust
There soon comes a time
When the rhythms and rhymes
Match up in pure harmony
Inside of our hearts, a new attitude starts
And God whispers, “Come, run to me.”
The enemy tries
To deceive with his lies
Saying, “No, do not listen my friend!
God is not for you! He wants to destroy you!
It’s on me whom you need to depend!”
The King rides up for battle
On a bright golden saddle
And Satan trembles from the light
Then a voice shouts, “Satan, get out!”
And the devil flees from His sight
We run to God’s side
No longer caring to hide
We know that these trials have ceased
We look to God’s face and He’s glad to embrace
And wipe all our tears from our cheeks
Without a demand
He takes our head in His hands
And says, “My child, this is a process.
But if you let me inside you, I promise to guide you
And I’ll help you through all of your stress.”
We thank God so much
For His gentle, powerful touch
We thank God for setting us apart
We surrender to Him, We’ve let Him come in
“Alright God, where do we start?”


I wrote this after my pastor finished a series on renewing our minds. I had my eyes opened to the real battle that good and evil go through inside of our minds and it inspired this poem. It's about us as humans pushing God away until we suffer defeat and then how God runs to our side and gives us strength to overcome.

#Bound #Broken #Christian #Defeat #Devil #Freedom #God #Jesus #Spiritual #Victory

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