Michael Palmer

Elegies for Sister Satan: Eigth Elegy

(los caballos en el aire)

In a digital dream
or on the silver screen
Invisible Sister said:
Whenever sperm pours from my breasts
I am forced to ask,
What sort of fountain is this?
Child of empire,
child of Sarin,
child of the atom split
that I am
split in half that I am
in a chemical dream
or on the silver screen
whenever black ink
seeps from me
I am forced to ask,
Who has been entertained
by what they have heard
and what they have seen?
Child of phosphorous
raining upon rooftops,
ancient child of the archive,
its filtered light, its
dust in which desire
surges and sleeps
and where the horses– los caballos –
of my splintered nights,
los caballos en el aire—
what need of earth—
lift slowly through the dust,
slowly rise, they
have no need of time,
they have the madness
of horses in their eyes,
they slowly rise, they
encircle, they turn
and return, they entertain
as if the music were their own.
There is no end to it.
They have the madness
of horses in their eyes,
the madness of the archive
where I reside.
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