none cares to listen as the rose peddle falls none sees
*** Caressing your picture in my sleep I sigh of love
In the shadow of the graveyard I stand alone pondering life lost
As you sleep in the twilight of dreams I kiss you without end
Life In Prison my gun is loaded with anguish that will never end cocking the hammer
*** A tainted kiss stirs the essence of lust
Darkness reflects the pale light truth conveys a book of lies so willingly
Is it the horsy ride that makes you giggle in dreams or the flying spoon open the hatch
Smoldering Love **** Love’s ashes char the heart
There’s no need to take cover the morning light cast no shadows on love
Kiss me as your lips burn with whispers to my heart
We worship our religious beliefs indoctrinated from birth to believe
No one cares as the rose peddle falls no one can see the silhouette
She stares at the reflection in the bottom of the glass and sees
Feelings mislead the fallacies of love virtue cries for something