Mortality had whispered to my love feelings of life forever gone
Our vows were never broken nor the memories
As I read my diary I reminisce of your kisses so sweet
my soul has abandoned my body in this dark gaze of ungodliness
In the shadow of the graveyard I stand alone pondering life lost
So full of hate your demons of evil they wait for your command and hunger
the tale of lost feelings that once held dreams holds none
Burning cries of torment from the forsaken
the essence of your love permeates my soul
yearning with anticipation as my heart holds the
*** A tainted kiss stirs the essence of lust
I feel your magic in dreams and see stardust
none cares to listen as the rose peddle falls none sees
In my head a silent angel sleeps as I listening to the essence
Smoldering Love **** Love’s ashes char the heart