Darkness reflects the pale light truth conveys a book of lies so willingly
The weeping souls of eternity can be heard bellowing
painful emotions of tainted thoughts that search for answers
I confess my love for all to see I ask for your hand
I only want you underneath the Christmas tree completely unwrapped
Forgiveness is never forgiven in the gallows of revenge pulling the lever
Loving you madly with kisses picture sweet in a frame of glass and wood
Feelings mislead the fallacies of love virtue cries for something
Savage Love **** Your deviant lips are bittersweet the taste
We worship our religious beliefs indoctrinated from birth to believe
*** captivated by your style a fever of wanting overcomes me
Kiss me as your lips burn with whispers to my heart
Blind *** Your pose conceals the dark desire
In Grace Your elegance awakens me stirring the spirit
Life In Prison my gun is loaded with anguish that will never end cocking the hammer