Loving you madly with kisses picture sweet in a frame of glass and wood
We worship our religious beliefs indoctrinated from birth to believe
He stares through the cracks with swollen eyes there stands the monster
Your elegance stirs the spirit of desire as your beauty
The times we’ve swayed as one I’ve cherished every moment
Nothing to touch nothing to caress only a void
Kiss me as your lips burn with whispers to my heart
Searching for feelings I cannot explain what happens to love when the flame turns dark
Never My Love With her dying breath she whispered my tomorrow
The patrons were waiting for their wings of heaven doves as the bar room
Mortality had whispered to my love feelings of life forever gone
Our vows were never broken nor the memories
Physical misery torments me impaired for life my body is weak my lips tremble
Wee Hours *** The overwhelming essence in my heart
She lost her innocence’s to the dark side of life in her room all alone