the magic of a womans kiss will make any man surrender
I confess my love for all to see I ask for your hand
The patrons were waiting for their wings of heaven doves as the bar room
Dark Figure *** Tears falling as I sleep falling so strange
Feelings mislead the fallacies of love virtue cries for something
I fell for a vision in a dream it was more stunning
Love never written compose each line lost in feelings
In my head a silent angel sleeps as I listening to the essence
We worship our religious beliefs indoctrinated from birth to believe
Never My Love With her dying breath she whispered my tomorrow
Lost pages of love torn and tattered empty lines I’ve read
The passing star fades into the night and so does the notion
I hear an angel in poetic dreams sounds of love from the heart she sings
Within truth is seldom told from the
The sands of time holds our memories of being they