Wanting you from afar with rhymes of passion I dare not speak my feelings
Is it the horsy ride that makes you giggle in dreams or the flying spoon open the hatch
There are millions of colors in the spectrum but none can color you
The sands of time holds our memories of being they
Do you dance to love songs do you dream as the music plays on So lonely
Feelings mislead the fallacies of love virtue cries for something
I hear an angel in poetic dreams sounds of love from the heart she sings
Imprisoned by a yeaning lust of addiction the hot pipe burns
There’s no need to take cover the morning light cast no shadows on love
I confess my love for all to see I ask for your hand
Feeling of touch are complete with pillow talk and kisses sweet sighs
my soul has abandoned my body in this dark gaze of ungodliness
The most beautiful song I’ve ever heard is the sound of sighs
If all the angels are in heaven what do I do with my dreams do I lock them up
So wonderful are dreams when dreaming of you your