Under a slate-gray sky,
I walk,
shoes planted firmly on the pavement,
the rain, a wise companion,
each drop falling like whispering truth
creating a harbinger of my soul.
The air is light,
holding onto a hint of humidity,
yet within my heart, a fierce understanding surges,
as the rain washes away
the clutter of yesterday,
leaving only the lightness of insight
to linger softly,
like the quiet comfort of her presence.
No rushed steps,
no chaotic thoughts—
just me, my breath, the pulse of the light rain,
puddles forming like reflections
of wisdom held for all time,
reminding me that chaos gives way
to clarity beneath nature’s amiable touch.
I lift my face to the sky,
inviting the gentle fingers of rain,
each drop a lesson for every day in life,
cleansing doubt from my mind,
and in this embracing of the gray,
I discover strength,
the harmony of the my spirit to become integral with
to the earth.
The world blurs,
as if painted by an artist’s brush,
each moment filled with the rich truth:
to be alone is not to be lonely,
but a chance to converse with the echoes
of my own heartbeat,
to find enlightenment in the silence
that wraps around me like a cloak.
With every step,
I walk deeper into this revelatory canvas,
the rain narrating thoughts,
reminding me that within solitude lies wisdom,
a sweet surrender to her beauty,
to the quiet grace of existence,
teaching me that in stillness,
the heart learns its greatest lessons.
Here, beneath the rhythmic beat of falling rain,
my spirit understands the gracious way of insight,
one that transcends time and experience,
illuminated in the dance of droplets—
a wisdom spoken softly
in the language of the storm,
as I breathe in the enduring promise
of clarity’s return.