George Meredith

The Century of Garibaldi

We who have seen Italia in the throes,
Half risen but to be hurled to ground, and now
Like a ripe field of wheat where once drove plough
All bounteous as she is fair, we think of those
Who blew the breath of life into her frame:
Cavour, Mazzini, Garibaldi: Three:
Her Brain, her Soul, her Sword; and set her free
From ruinous discords, with one lustrous aim.
That aim, albeit they were of minds diverse,
Conjoined them, not to strive without surcease;
For them could be no babblement of peace
While lay their country under Slavery’s curse.
The set of torn Italia’s glorious day
Was ever sunrise in each filial breast.
Of eagle beaks by righteousness unblest
They felt her pulsing body made the prey.
Wherefore they struck, and had to count their dead.
With bitter smile of resolution nerved
To try new issues, holding faith unswerved,
Promise they gathered from the rich blood shed.
In them Italia, visible to us then
As living, rose; for proof that huge brute Force
Has never being from celestial source,
And is the lord of cravens, not of men.
Now breaking up the crust of temporal strife,
Who reads their acts enshrined in History, sees
That Tyrants were the Revolutionaries,
The Rebels men heart-vowed to hallowed life.
Pure as the Archangel’s cleaving Darkness thro’,
The Sword he sees, the keen unwearied Sword,
A single blade against a circling horde,
And aye for Freedom and the trampled few.
The cry of Liberty from dungeon cell,
From exile, was his God’s command to smite,
As for a swim in sea he joined the fight,
With radiant face, full sure that he did well.
Behold a warrior dealing mortal strokes,
Whose nature was a child’s: amid his foes
A wary trickster: at the battle’s close,
No gentler friend this leopard dashed with fox.
Down the long roll of History will run
The story of these deeds, and speed his race
Beneath defeat more hotly to embrace
The noble cause and trust to another sun.
And lo, that sun is in Italia’s skies
This day, by grace of his good sword in part.
It beckons her to keep a warrior heart
For guard of beauty, all too sweet a prize.
Earth gave him: blessed be the Earth that gave.
Earth’s Master crowned his honest work on earth:
Proudly Italia names his place of birth:
The bosom of Humanity his grave.
Autres oeuvres par George Meredith...
