
I Should Have...

I should have known
I should have known you were lying
I should have known that you would leave me
feeling as if I where dying
I should have known when you said you still wanted to be friends
that you were full of bullshit
I should have known that you didn’t really want to continue talking to me
I should have known that you where playing with my feelings
I should have known when you where pleading
that it was all an act, saying you wanted to talk to me then never answering back
I should have known you would never answer
I should have picked up on the lies, that way I could of saved  my tears
I could have prevented myself from crying
I should have known
But you know what
I did know, deep deep down I knew
I just didn’t want to admit it
I wanted, I hoped that you were different but you turned out to be the same
Just like every other guy.
But I should have known
I should have followed my instincts

Altre opere di Cubanitagirl221...
