Unrestrained Never Confined

Writing: Can your past Love forgive me?

Can your past Love forgive me? I believe that it can...
Its a dream, a wish, a pleading for redemption.  
Love is patient like the hills, like the stars,
like the endless water that flows from the river to the sea only to begin again as raindrops...
Love is kind, like you, the kind that goes out of its way to hold you when you cry,
the kind that is generous of itself to no benefit to itself.
Love is not jealous, does not wish to control you, to limit you, to make you small,
or drag you down to its level, it rejoices in you, in your joys and your love.
Love does not brag and is not arrogant, it finds no pleasure in puffing itself up,
it does not need to be congratulated, it has no emptiness to fill with that adulation.
Love does ruin your reputation, it does not drag you through the mud for its amusement,
it does not make you look ugly, or itself for that matter, it finds no pleasure in that.
Love does not seek its own, its own way, its own things, its own desires,
it has no need or worry or care for itself, but only for you.
Love is not provoked, not not easily, it’s simply not, it is not goaded,
it is not browbeat, or pressured, or convinced, it is what it is.
Love does not take into account a wrong suffered, it does not even consider them,
the past is past and it will never dig it up and shove it in your face or use it against you.
Love does not rejoice in what is wrong, evil, degrading, torturous, wicked, vile, slanderous,
it will weep for you, comfort you, care for you when you hurt from these things, never rejoice.
But Love rejoices with the truth, truth is all I want for you, no matter what it is, it listens, it cares, it celebrates honesty,
forthrightness and honor it adores, open trust, with faith, in truth, these are its by words.
Love bears all things, the slings and arrows of this world, your rage, and tears, and sorrows, and fears,
your angst, and doubt, conniving, and depravity, it endures them and is still itself, unchanging.
Love believes all things, it honors what it is given with the same honor that it asks,
believing all, never suspicious, never believing the worst, never looking for ill or base thoughts, never.
Love hopes all things, the best, and better than that, never failing to look on the positive,
never failing to wish you anything but better than your wildest dreams, the very best.
Love endures all things, no matter what happens, it is, it remains, it doesn’t change, ever,
it is reliable to a fault because no matter the storm or trouble, it endures forever.
Love never fails, ever, never.
I can love you forever  because I have been loved by only you.
I can give because I have been given life by you.
I can touch you because I have been touched by you
I can soothe you because I have been soothed by you.
I can heal your hurt because I have been healed by you.
Please accept my Truth
You are beautiful.
I love you.
I love you as a friend,
as a person,
as a tender soul in need,
as a lover,
as a... I love you as I love myself now for you.
There is no other kind of love.
Everything else is false, fake, empty, meaningless.
I love you because I see things in you that are beautiful,
you have shown me parts of you,
places where you have been hurt,
places where your heart is...
You have shared things with me.... things that matter.
Naked is only scary if you don’t feel safe.
If you feel safe it’s the most wonderful thing in the world.
You’re Safe... If you gave me a chance again
You’re Loved... If you gave me firgiveness
You’re Wanted... If you could see how much I want you.
You’re Needed... Because I know no other.
I will not be impatient with you, cruel to you, jealous of you, bears believes hopes endures
be conceited with you, destroy you, ruin you,
use you, take from you, snap at you,
hit you, punish you, torture you,
remind you of your past mistakes, the times you hurt because of me, left me....
I will not fail to find joy in you, in your thoughts, in your feelings, in the true bits of you...
the things you share with me, I will adore them, cherish them, remember them.
I will accept what comes with hope, faith, belief, longsuffering, as long as life endures
And as long as you forgive me.


Other works by Unrestrained Never Confined...
