Unrestrained Never Confined

Writing: Doubt

I saw a river flowing while driving north to Paso Robles and I stopped to walk to it and write poems and other writings. What a peaceful time I had. Alone.....

As I sit on the rocks in the center of this river.
It’s waters surge on all sides.
While I take a moment to assimilate my surroundings.
Somewhere under the sundown sky is my Island of Hope.
It is my paradise of eternal tranquility,
where the evening cold winds tower high into the sky as if to joust with the sun.
In honor of forgotten dreams and searching for that lost love,
I have come to this place, this time,
to search deep into my heart and battle with the horrors in my soul;
while facing my greatest opposition, Myself.
With the best of intentions and zealousness to make me dangerous,
I head into the river as it fury rages on all sides.
In the turbulent currents lurks the ghost of my future,
taunting me to fight the evil with in me and right the mistakes I’ve made.
Most people have the intelligence than to shed all of their inhibitions,
to seek the truth within, but I’m not one of them.
This river of life’s long, treacherous expanse holds my heart,
giving me an unwavering thirst, for the slightest contingency for success.
The tides of my self-doubt with its speciously narrow appearance,
flows on by only to vanish over the horizon.
My heart pounding in my chest,
offering a variety of tasty bits of reality.
As the sun sets, the colorful hues of doubt threatens
everything that I hold in my heart —my Love for her....


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