Thinking of you.... Johanne... The light and the air and the wisps of your hair cascade like moonlight. The drops of your sweat, like dew upon your body. The rise of your chest, the so...
Small devils, demons, angels soull… Inhabit nether worlds avoid the li… Today they weave their webs in cyb… Vicarious they are another race We worked and played in stark real…
Set me free from the evil ties that bind me to this world. Allowing me to roam unobstructed in this life to only love you and be at your side. I do not want a controlled version of the ...
who starts to lie and yet he lies not for some glory’s way, but to protect the one he loved each day from his own brain. And once in every place, there is this man with an empty spa...
In the mirror I saw an angel weep… I tried but I couldn’t avert my e… I realized too late No one is perfect no matter how ha… I realized the reflection in the m…
My discovered secret Rarely apprehended To know the real blonde Without the roots revealed She’s the smart one.
I see you as the sunlight at midni… And a dream after infinity, And I placed la Grande Ourse on… And you kept on like nothing; I sweetened the sea water for when…
Music took me away from pain to fi… The sounds of the human Soul alon… There are musicians and singers in… The drummer beat drums to convey t… The guitarist plucked and fingered…
It’s been so long since I knew anything about you... At last I find myself face to face with myself. A Strange feeling
I wish I could hold you. I wish I could let you cry it all… I wish... But I can’t. I can’t make it all better.
a young boy around 8 years-old went to the library and would look through the shelves
I must not slay your dragons, It is not the right thing to do, I must not fight your demons, Because they only come for you, I will not take away the nightmare…
I’m sorry I didn’t mean to call y… but I couldn’t fight it I guess I was weak and couldn’t e… and so I surrender just to hear yo… I know how many times I said I’m…
As a man approaches he yells at the young men while he drinks a tequila, “ I’m begging you boys, do not speak in front of me of ladies!” The boys continued and remarked that they just...
It was never easy for us Always away in pain Lonely too am I Facing the end of days Like a lonely man would