Unrestrained Never Confined

Poem- Sleep

I worry of people getting upset at me. I am not perfect. I try to be so much but I continue letting others down. It is my fate I suppose. I will never be good enough for others.

Its 11:13pm, sleep is an elusive creature
I see before me the corridors of my mind
Each night runs the same double feature
I cannot sleep, slumber I cannot find
You of the blessed, sleep undisturbed, peace
I instead toss to and fro and turn or lay prone
Think I do, of warm sleep a wish or caprice
To find, touch her magical sleep throne
To find an end to the tortures of a sleepless night
My body screams, I need sleep but the demon wins
I seldom dream, hoping for a sleeper’s helper, sprite
Wondering what ails me, so confess I confess all night my sins
I drag my weary body through the next day, hoping
Needing to find a cure, I ache all over, I wish to fade
Give me peace, just a few hours a sleeping
Is it a disease, incurable, I feel so empty, enslaved
Twisting, turning, thoughts jumbled in my mind
Am I perhaps insane? Have I forgotten my madness?
Through the corridors, bends, sleepless resigned
Praying for sleep, my body cries, oh please bless
Enrich my tired body with a calming, serene peace
Fold the quilt upon my inert, quiet, sleeping body
Endless nights, eternal never-ending evenings cease
Find me where insomnia cannot reach, I beg thee.


I tried to rhyme every other sentence and It came out good.


Other works by Unrestrained Never Confined...
