Set me free from the evil ties that bind me to this world. Allowing me to roam unobstructed in this life to only love you and be at your side. I do not want a controlled version of the ...
Desperately hanging on the edge of… I listen to the lingering whispers Her voice so sedate and soothing Her hands so warm Her body inviting
When the sun is obscured, and the flowers becomes inert. When the day is complete I am ungrateful and I prefer to accompany death.
Screwed up family Nobody cares Neither does She In a world of darkness My life is total chaos
It wraps around me Like a cold blanket Suffocating me I cannot break free No matter how hard I try
A heart so tender... A spirit so fierce... A body so lush... Eyes so deep and bottomless... Her skin like creamy silk..so beau…
a young boy around 8 years-old went to the library and would look through the shelves
Tis human to err, to make a mistak… And yet often, from slumber, I aw… Hoping, how Satan my soul could t…
One gentle moment of life, a coven… Once more I hold you in my arms,… For I know that I must leave you… Your hair benenath my fingers, fee… And your eyes, oh those hazel eyes…
It’ good up here I see the stars Smell the people hear the cars Feel the wind rush by my face Quiver to the Moons’ soft embrace Love runs shallow through my veins
He visto la paz, he visto el dolor descansando en los hombros de nues… ¿Ves la verdad a traves de todas l… ¿Ves el mundo a través de ojos ape… Y si quieres hablar de esto otra v…
My old self who’s there Always, Putting me down Yes it’s him That’s dying.
Last night an angel told me to fly… Through where there is no fire. That what has been suffered stays… and in prayers, I never died.
A morning walk through damp Valle… athletic runners passing me by, the way some human brains survive… and emerge capable of action and c… knowing my poetry may be recited a…
No sé adónde voy pero, seguro sé donde he estado colgado en mentiras en creaciones de ayer y he decidido