Unrestrained Never Confined

Poem: Tired

Kneeling before her,
his soul is as bare as his flesh,
offering his heart...
he searches for his path in life,
travelling far in his journies, to worlds of power and worlds of submission,
down vanilla streets to nowhere,
his choices open, however one path brings true happiness,
his work wields power, his physical comforts met,
but his soul does not rest,
his quest not done, she is not found,
he stumbles down bumpy roads, blisters cry on tired feet,
heart beats pain, doubt teases him.
will his journey end here, will bleached bones greet other seekers,
far hills call to him, is this another mirage,
will yet another blow strike his soul,
if only a kind face might shine, a kind word might give him strength,
but such is rare, for who is he.
the depths of despair seek him,
he pushes them away, leave her he shouts,
this body is not yet through,
i know my destiny is to serve
with determined effort he rises to swollen feet,
somewhere there is a place for him,
just a little farther down that road,
he moves off, not looking back, looking ahead,
for dawn gives him hope.


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