Hear God’s call, see the doors open wide, feel the power of the voices, reaching a crescendo, overpowering your senses,
It won’t be easy, you’ll think it… When I try to explain what is rea… How I still need your help after… No, I mean really. All you will see is a poet, one wh…
Nightmares, Lurk behind the corners of my war… From those nights locked away in a… No lights to chase the darkness aw… No kind words to ease the pain
You know what?! Thy! Thine! Mort… A poem is like this, “Ohh, My lov… Nice? I guess so. But why not be true to the words a…
Cancer headed to the road where she waited. The sun was setting into the horizon. Would she finally see him? But after she waited to long she walked and she found Leo waiting for the s...
My discovered secret Rarely apprehended To know the real blonde Without the roots revealed She’s the smart one.
Tan grande fue mi caida, que casi… Jamas pense que te mentia dandome… Tan grande fue mi caida que aun no… Pense que tenia alas de papel
I can write the saddest lines toda… Write for example: ‘The night is… and they shiver, blue, those stars… The night wind turns in the sky an… I can write the saddest lines toni…
I am in constant fear and she is r… And that is not very good for me, If I want to keep her in my arms It’s better that she doesn’t see m… Im stuck in failures
Small devils, demons, angels soull… Inhabit nether worlds avoid the li… Today they weave their webs in cyb… Vicarious they are another race We worked and played in stark real…
No sé adónde voy pero, seguro sé donde he estado colgado en mentiras en creaciones de ayer y he decidido
We took a secret walk I took her hand Not knowing the path ahead First dream Along the path we paused
He sits in His room, pen and paper at hand, afraid that His missives are nothing but bland. Emotions unbridled
He visto la paz, he visto el dolor descansando en los hombros de nues… ¿Ves la verdad a traves de todas l… ¿Ves el mundo a través de ojos ape… Y si quieres hablar de esto otra v…
While gazing out life’s window Love’s melancholic sadness Suddenly surrounds me Tries to drown me In an ocean of confusion