Matthew Prior

Songs Set to Music: 6. Set by Mr. Smith

Phillis, since we have both been kind,
And of each other had our fill,
Tell me what pleasure you can find
In forcing Nature 'gainst her will.
’Tis true, you may, with art and pain,
Keep in some glowings of desire,
But still those glowings which remain
Are only ashes of the fire.
Then let us free each other’s soul,
And laugh at the dull constant fool
Who would Love’s liberty control,
And teach us how to whine by rule.
Let us no impositions set
Or clogs upon each other’s heart;
But, as for pleasure first we met,
So now for pleasure let us part.
We both have spent our stock of love,
So consequently should be free;
Thyrsis expects you in yon grove,
And pretty Chloris stays for me.
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