#English #Women
Grant me but a day, love, But a day, Ere I give my heart, My heart away, Ere I say the word
I HAVE walked a great while over… And I am not tall nor strong. My clothes are wet, and my teeth a… And the way was hard and long. I have wandered over the fruitful…
When my love did what I would not… I could hear his merry voice upon… Crying, “e;Fairest, shut your eye… Love is blind!” When my love said what I say not,…
The lake lay blue below the hill. O’er it, as I looked, there flew Across the waters, cold and still, A bird whose wings were palest blu… The sky above was blue at last,
A green eye-and a red-in the dark. Thunder-smoke-and a spark. It is there-it is here-flashed by. Whither will the wild thing fly? It is rushing, tearing thro’ the n…
Through the sunny garden The humming bees are still; The fir climbs the heather, The heather climbs the hill. The low clouds have riven
There’s no smoke in the chimney, And the rain beats on the floor; There’s no glass in the window, There’s no wood in the door; The heather grows behind the house…
Many a flower have I seen blossom… Many a bird for me will sing. Never heard I so sweet a singer, Never saw I so fair a thing. She is a bird, a bird that blossom…
We are not near enough to love, I can but pity all your woe; For wealth has lifted me above, And falsehood set you down below. If you were true, we still might b…
GOOD FRIDAY in my heart! Fear… My thoughts are the Disciples whe… My words the words that priest and… My deed the spear to desecrate the… And day, Thy death therein, is ch…
TURN in, my lord, she said ; As it were the Father of Sin I have hated the Father of the De… The slayer of my kin ; By the Father of the Living led,
Country roads are yellow and brown… We mend the roads in London town. Never a hansom dare come nigh, Never a cart goes rolling by. An unwonted silence steals
The earth that made the rose, She also is thy mother, and not I… The flame wherewith thy maiden spi… Was lighted at no hearth that I s… I am as far below as heaven above…
I ask of thee, love, nothing but r… Thou canst not bring the old days… For I was happy then, Not knowing heavenly joy, not know…
On alien ground, breathing an alie… A Roman stood, far from his ancie… And gazing, murmured, ‘Ah, the hills are fair, But not… Descendant of a race to Romans-ki…