Mary Darby Robinson


WHEN fragrant gales and summer show’rs
Call’d forth the sweetly scented flow’rs;
When ripen’d sheaves of golden grain,
Strew’d their rich treasures o’er the plain;
When the full grape did nectar yield,
In tepid drops of purple hue;
When the thick grove, and thirsty field,
Drank the soft show’r and bloom’d a-new;
O then my joyful heart did say,
“Sure this is Nature’s Holy-day!”
But when the yellow leaf did fade,
And every gentle flow’r decay’d;
When whistling winds, and drenching rain,
Swept with rude force the naked plain;
When o’er the desolated scene,
I saw the drifted snow descend;
And sadness darken’d all the green,
And Nature’s triumphs seem’d to end;
O! then, my mourning heart did say,
“Thus Youth shall vanish, Life decay.”
When Beauty blooms, and Fortune smiles,
And wealth the easy breast beguiles;
When pleasure from her downy wings,
Her soft bewitching incense flings;
THEN, Friends look kind­and round the heart
The brightest flames of passion move,
False Flatt’ry’s soothing strains impart
The warmest Friendship­fondest Love;
But when capricious FORTUNE flies,
Then FRIENDSHIP fades;­and PASSION dies.
Autres oeuvres par Mary Darby Robinson...
