Mars Bilters

The Sum of Life

To Douglas, you are the Profit of the Religion and philosophy of DNA :-)

The Sum of Life, n Everything
Twenty one plus twenty one
that is my length of living
or nineteen plus twenty three
if you prefer adding differently
Yes Forty two years old am I
Forty two the meaning of life
the meaning of forty two is rife
I feel it in my DNA it’s right
this year, although my 43rd
I am forty two, and by Adams
I know that I will discover
the meaning of laughter n life
t’ universe n almost everything
I know the meaning of life is
to give meaning to your life
and give life to your meaning
and the universe? Cherish it
RaBil Alamiin, the cherisher
and sustainer of the universes
is you, so cherish your universe
Your Will sustains your universe
you create your own reality
and have the responsibility
of how you react to everything
whether you laugh, cry or shout
run or fight, take flight or hide
must a man walk the same path
forty two times before enlightenment?
Make the same mistake 42 times?
42 rhymes, living the same life
forty two incarnations? And more?
23 pills + 7 bills + 12 lips = 42 splibilps


Dedicated to the wise and sacred author of Life, the Universecand Everything, and many othet excellent books, may he be blessed whereve is with terrific sarnies and a dry towel.


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