Mars Bilters

Nuntius ad Vigilum Legi et Ratio judicandi

Message to Police and Judicial System

Nuntius ad Vigilum Legi et Ratio judicandi
Message to Police and Judicial System
Et qui administrat legem debit scire legi
Law administrators aught know the law
Nemo est supra leges, ne quidem reges
No one is above the law, not even kings
Quisque debet esse aequi antes legem
Everyone must be equal before the law
Et quisque necesse poterit defendere se
Everyone must be able to defend himself
Et accusatio ad accusan facies praesens
To face accuser and accusation in person
Et stare auquis ante legem sine praeceptio
To stand before the law without prejudice
Et sine comminationes de maxima poena
And without extreme threat of punishment
Que est supra nec iniuriam facere dicatur
That outweighs any alleged wrongful doing
Homo est innocentes donec probetur malus
A person is always innocent til proven guilty
Culpa debet esse probetur sine ratio dubium
Guilt to be proven beyond reasonable doubt
Homo non debet vexati per administrator legi
No one shall be harassed by law enforcers
administrativus iustitia non est lecit hoc iam
Administrative justice henceforth is unlawful
Administratoris legi non sine impune lacessit
Law administrators are not without impunity

Other works by Mars Bilters...
