Mars Bilters

End Draconian Rule of Public Health Policy

End Draconian Rule of Public Health Policy
The system in place keeps us in our place
If we step out of line we’re ruthlessly fined
And now we’ve to walk this way 2ms apart
And we’re not allowed out by official order
We’ve always been a nation of petty crime
Oppressive rules governing every life facet
Regulations we’re ordered to blindly follow
But the restriction of freedom of lockdown
Really takes the piss and is open to abuse
Stopped on the whim of uniformed official
Folk arbitrarily interrogated by harassment
Cops abusing powers becoming tyrannical
Hysteria a tool to fool the sleeping masses
Neighbours informing on their neighbours
We’re becoming a nation of petty informers
The Stasi can be found in homes and street
Some folks think that they’re more enititled
To the air we breathe and want more space
Their personal fear contagious state insanity
We’re bein’ led to debt and system of plunder
The nation is cast asunder by state deception
We must not accept this despotic health order
We have to claim back our everyday lives now
Demand a return to normality and reject tyranny
We should not obey advice that is nonsensical
But live our life without fear of authoritarian rule
We must arise and be clear in our our demands
Freeedom to breathe fresh air and to join family
An end to lockdown and oppressive health policy

Other works by Mars Bilters...
