As per advertisement in the “Herald.” A curious old relic indeed, as I had a good personal right to know. In a single instant of time, a long drawn panorama of sights and scenes in the ...
Our esteemed friend, Mr. John William Bloke, of Virginia City, walked into the office where we are sub-editor at a late hour last night, with an expression of profound and heartfelt suf...
I visited St. Louis lately, and on my way West, after changing cars at Terre Haute, Indiana, a mild, benevolent-looking gentleman of about forty-five, or maybe fifty, came in at one of ...
—[Left out of “A Tramp Abroad” because its authenticity seemed doubtful, and could not at that time be proved.—M. T.] More than a thousand years ago this small district was a kingdom—a ...
'It is the first time since the dawn-days of Creation that a Voice has gone crashing through space with such placid and complacent confidence and command.' This last summer, when I was ...
Sleep! for the Sun that scores an… Against the Tale allotted You to… Reminding You, is Risen, and now Serves Notice—ah, ignore it while… The chill Wind blew, and those wh…
[AT A FOURTH OF JULY GATHERING, IN LONDON, OF AMERICANS] MR. CHAIRMAN AND LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I thank you for the compliment which has just been tendered me, and to show my appreciati...
One calamity to which the death of Mr. Dickens dooms this country has not awakened the concern to which its gravity entitles it. We refer to the fact that the nation is to be lectured t...
He arrives just as regularly as the clock strikes nine in the morning. And so he even beats the editor sometimes, and the porter must leave his work and climb two or three pairs of stai...
I have three or four curious incidents to tell about. They seem to come under the head of what I named “Mental Telegraphy” in a paper written seventeen years ago, and published long aft...
A man hired by John Smith and Co… Loudly declared that he’d tho. Men that he saw Dumping dirt near his door The drivers, therefore, didn’t do.
FROM COMIC AND WITTY STORIES. I do not claim that I can tell a story as it ought to be told. I only claim to know how a story ought to be told, for I have been almo...
I was a very smart child at the age of thirteen—an unusually smart child, I thought at the time. It was then that I did my first newspaper scribbling, and most unexpectedly to me it sti...
In those early days I had already published one little thing ('The Jumping Frog’) in an Eastern paper, but I did not consider that that counted. In my view, a person who published thing...
TO THE HONORABLE THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED: Whereas, The Constitution guarantees equal rights to all, backed by the Declaration of Independence; and ...