, by Mel
Mark Sallee

Some Beech

The oak and hickory look down and say,
 “Look at that beech climbing it’s way,
 What’s wrong with that tree?
 We are superior, we are supreme!
 Our wood is highly sought after,
    What good are you?”
The beech, standing tall, replied with a grin,
I may not be prized for the wood within.
But my leaves provide shelter and shade,
My nuts feed the creatures
And I’m home to many, with my unique features.
I may not be superior, I may not be supreme,
But in the forest, we are all part of the team.
Every tree has its place, every tree has a role,
We all contribute together, to make the forest whole.
So dear Oak and hickory, with your wood so fine,
Remember we are all essential, in mother natures design.
For the strength of the forest lies in it’s diversity,
And every tree matters, in the grand tapestry.

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