Mari Tapia

Not good enough for you

without you I feel broke
As corny as it sounds your my angel
Picturing that smirk you do when I’m wrong and your right makes me smile
The sound of your laughter in my mind makes me happy
The way we have things in common that I’ve never had such a encounter with someone else
The way your stories entertain me
The way you gently touch my body in concern when I’m hurt makes my heart warm
The concern in you’re eyes is something I’ve never had...
Your advice not the best but better than I’ve ever had
Is this what if feels to have someone care?
It’s so good to be true...
Intrusive thoughts come by
But what if he doesent even like you?
What if he just like everyone else?
You know he won’t stay long right?
he will end up finding someone better someone happy and smart and attractive
Picturing someone else with you smiling laughing seeing you happy breaks my heart..
I’ll never be good enough for you
But why? I know you like me I know this but some how my mind won’t confirm it .
It’s constant taunting me
See the thing about liking is you have these gates  your suppose to open
And fear shuts mines
Pushing you far far away
But please please don’t give me up...
I’m so hurt
Im so insecure
Please please don’t get tiered of me


Altre opere di Mari Tapia...
