Amazing chemistry = two souls that dance, in absolute sync together, that’ s perfection if I’ve ever wanted it...
Thump, Thump How do Know this
I felt the hands of heaven Reached down and Put you into my arms I felt like that is where You are supposed to stay
Sexy machine pumping iron yet knew how to breathe worldly
Wrapped in your web I fight to be free Spinning is it you or is it me maybe it’s my sneakers
There is energy from some place like the desert
You lied to get me into only your bed you cheated
Your cold shoulder feels like ice are you willing to sacrifice I remember that song
I must collect myself for I am slipping
You came To save me White light Flowed from inside I felt safe
What we forget Is our own control That we control Our own lives I let you
No satisfaction never solace in the midnight air walking I’ve lost
I felt a hand squeeze me tight then I saw your eyes they glistened in the summer sun I remember the way you looked the way you smiled
Alone she sits with her shoulders against the sky pondering
* You can’t change the past, you c… * If we can only experience the fu… * If we live moment to moment, sho… * If we only look ahead, do we mis… * If we can only live in the prese…