Theory: Everything must be comple… Hypothesis: Everything must make… Conclusion: We are tiny circles… Truth: There are no sides to a ci… “We are tiny circles searching for…
We are blood and bones dried up and ashes pacing, I let it flow ragged and bruised we slip by our fate
What if all our journeys lead to one but only for a duration did we forget
She tried to climb out slow but her love for a man was quickening her journey the little man with the purple gui… was playing her song
Little lizard lisps I watch the tip of your tongue I want to feel your tongue slightly peak from your lips as you speak to me
Look maybe I don’t know don’t
The Lunatic, The Lover, The Poe… I have so many feelings sometimes just bursting to get out The lunatic –sometimes I get ahea… of myself, I wish I could stop
Sometimes we search for more answers when really it might not even matter the answer is–
Who am I... But this old birdhouse Teetering Over the sea Waving around
Nuns in shackles being walked out She could see me I was trying to hide
why am I always late racing to the gate wondering of my fate you’ll make it is what they say arrive, just another delay
Once upon a time... A stupid girl was stuck letting the past creep into the
Creepy, Crawling, Emergency I felt the urgency running up and down the walls light another, smoke rendered the… and I relinquished in its purity
I don’t need for much sometimes more isn’t
Riding fast she paid no attention broken mirrors it wasn’t there it was in the half left shield she noticed, it was her, it was her face, deep lines