I could hear them they were down by the water they’d be coming for me soon
Why is it I even question these t… something about you and I intend t… it’s easier when we sabotage then the only feeling is pain & hu… no waiting unexpectedly having it…
I was running To catch the horse In the snow From the bus I jumped into
We are blood and bones dried up and ashes pacing, I let it flow ragged and bruised we slip by our fate
I ran my fingers Over my tight skin It felt warm And sticky As I traveled
I’m not sure that anything is different but I am
Pains, veins The crying god Souls lost forever to hell Tortured and tormented All is not well
Riding fast she paid no attention broken mirrors it wasn’t there it was in the half left shield she noticed, it was her, it was her face, deep lines
Your cold shoulder feels like ice are you willing to sacrifice I remember that song
I starred into the black fiery depths of hell the flame was glowing from behind their walls and the smoke rose from above
This morning I’ve woke awoke with almost
Love me for me for what you see in my eyes for who I am, for what I know and for what I don’t know accept me as I am
What we can’t have... Addiction... Self Control... Games... Choice...
You came To save me White light Flowed from inside I felt safe
Sometimes... I realize I want to share more