Strange... newness Just when you think That you have everything That you have it all A stranger walks in
Pure light sprayed upon them like heaven skies “Are you an Angel?” hold onto me and I will show you the world
I was running To catch the horse In the snow From the bus I jumped into
I feel so good love is in every form I get what I need always It’s a gift
I feel like the earth is exploding around me and it can’t be stopped scarred - everything is a mirage someone tell me whats real where are you? Where am I?
I need to sleep I need your bed My bed? Hurts my back Wrenching pain?
Once upon a time... A stupid girl was stuck letting the past creep into the
Do you think if people thought about tomorrow would it change today for them I wish I could have better control over my feelings
She looked at him with dark secrets her eyes danced like tiger lilies the shame hidden
Look maybe I don’t know don’t
Why is it I even question these t… something about you and I intend t… it’s easier when we sabotage then the only feeling is pain & hu… no waiting unexpectedly having it…
She always hid behind her hair it was her safety until one day someone made her smile she smiled so hard
I am a girl... I’m going to be weak I’m going to have emotion I’m real I don’t pretend
What if all our journeys lead to one but only for a duration did we forget
I really am happy I know what I want & where I want to go Never have I thought that before,,,