I am finally free Of my cage Open to the world Ready to set sail No excuses
tonight I put myself into Christmas jail... I mean lately I’ve put myself
Twist the dial come on tell me you care tell me
I feel so good love is in every form I get what I need always It’s a gift
I was running To catch the horse In the snow From the bus I jumped into
Not sure why it is the way it is at the moment The first time I saw him he wears a red bandanna
I have an answer for the liquid spills
Adaptation, Products of our Environment thats where it is what makes us familiar different, unless
Alone she sits with her shoulders against the sky pondering
I’m trying to find a place that’s… I’m trying to find a balance can’t I be met halfway So you don’t have time you can’t wait to get away
Heat, hate flowed over Like a fever I felt it in waves Like that of the ocean The tears dripped
I don’t need for much sometimes more isn’t
The sand felt like ice cream On my naked toes The water splashed My brown legs With vicious, furious force
Buttercups sparkle with dewdrops in the morning
Have I ever told you sincerely even just