* You can’t change the past, you c… * If we can only experience the fu… * If we live moment to moment, sho… * If we only look ahead, do we mis… * If we can only live in the prese…
I feel so good love is in every form I get what I need always It’s a gift
Sexy machine pumping iron yet knew how to breathe worldly
I could trust you but you won’t let me It’s easier to not care than it is to care The load has just
Never thought I could feel this what you do to me what you’ve done to me Turned my world upside down
I ran my fingers Over my tight skin It felt warm And sticky As I traveled
What’s Real Are You Real
The sand felt like ice cream On my naked toes The water splashed My brown legs With vicious, furious force
Sometimes I feel the words being driven out of me
Your cold shoulder feels like ice are you willing to sacrifice I remember that song
I’m shivering & shaking with no clothing raw & naked exposed to raw feeling it’s dissolving
I just want to get back let me
I had hit rock bottom complete emptiness then - that’s when I felt it welling up from inside me & from all around me
The hunt was on For seeking truth, Seeking answers Locked & loaded They begin
I was running To catch the horse In the snow From the bus I jumped into