Dancer, Dance under the pale lit moon To the aging familiar tune While daisies die
Never thought I could feel this what you do to me what you’ve done to me Turned my world upside down
Seeds of hope I hear those words on late night TV
We are but yo-yo’s for the taking except what we will Ride the waves without real feeling
The funny thing is I used to believe The problem Lied inside myself Like maybe
Alone she sits with her shoulders against the sky pondering
It seems like it’s been forever & here I am again So familiar, yet so distant What’s changed? How do we get it back
Pains, veins The crying god Souls lost forever to hell Tortured and tormented All is not well
Riding fast she paid no attention broken mirrors it wasn’t there it was in the half left shield she noticed, it was her, it was her face, deep lines
Theory: Everything must be comple… Hypothesis: Everything must make… Conclusion: We are tiny circles… Truth: There are no sides to a ci… “We are tiny circles searching for…
2 sticks that couldn’t rub without a match my hearts empty
Darkness surrounded me and I felt nothing and that was the reality everything was moving around me and none of it mattered
He’s right.. why do I feel the need to help to save them? The needy
Sometimes we search for more answers when really it might not even matter the answer is–
The darkness creeps inside me like tiny ripples in the sea slowly tearing