Twist the dial come on tell me you care tell me
We are blood and bones dried up and ashes pacing, I let it flow ragged and bruised we slip by our fate
Spinning... my stomach was turning laps like some careful swimmers waves flowed over my face trying to swallow I used my arm to shove them away
Do you think if people thought about tomorrow would it change today for them I wish I could have better control over my feelings
I have to find... what is it that I wish to find... (bartender another) I see the bottom
I could feel it creeping it crept inside deep into the shadows illuminated, breathless my body ached for more
The funny thing is I used to believe The problem Lied inside myself Like maybe
The hunt was on For seeking truth, Seeking answers Locked & loaded They begin
The purple ring of fire guides my heart burning lust shed the innocence of my youth
Snowing here Just like when I was there with you when I met you the first time
Seeds of hope I hear those words on late night TV
I gave it up first I’m getting off I wouldn’t
I’m shivering & shaking with no clothing raw & naked exposed to raw feeling it’s dissolving
SUNLIGHT... In fields of butterflies, that’s w… where energy collides like the col… and rain falls like satin sheets moving lightly, rhythmically down…
The soft blood trickled as it fell it was like a faucet with a slow leak dripping My mind went blank