Who am I... But this old birdhouse Teetering Over the sea Waving around
I wait for you With open wounds Will I see you When you get back Yes, call your mum
* You can’t change the past, you c… * If we can only experience the fu… * If we live moment to moment, sho… * If we only look ahead, do we mis… * If we can only live in the prese…
Nuns in shackles being walked out She could see me I was trying to hide
Little fishy, in your bowl trapped by the glass that holds your water - your life so like my body
As I sit here, alone I wonder Why is it I want you Why do I feel like
Wrapped in your web I fight to be free Spinning is it you or is it me maybe it’s my sneakers
Your cold shoulder feels like ice are you willing to sacrifice I remember that song
Never thought I could feel this what you do to me what you’ve done to me Turned my world upside down
The purple ring of fire guides my heart burning lust shed the innocence of my youth
You want to see me I know you do better do something
No satisfaction never solace in the midnight air walking I’ve lost
What ever happened to the sun? We used to know each other so well you leaned on my shoulder and I felt my world melt the dark side, you know
Twist the dial come on tell me you care tell me
I feel like the earth is exploding around me and it can’t be stopped scarred - everything is a mirage someone tell me whats real where are you? Where am I?