I’ve died A thousand Times already
Do you live inside my head steal my thoughts? how do you know everything I need?
Amazing chemistry = two souls that dance, in absolute sync together, that’ s perfection if I’ve ever wanted it...
I smell you then I realize it’s the
You lied to get me into only your bed you cheated
What we forget Is our own control That we control Our own lives I let you
The funny thing is I used to believe The problem Lied inside myself Like maybe
Just as the light peaked through the window, I saw you coming toward the door through the glass
Thinking of you is always part of my day Wishing you were here there is so much I want to say
And there we stood - smoking and talking about what - I can’t remember then he - walked by tall, thin, old with thick box gla…
You came To save me White light Flowed from inside I felt safe
When would you decide? They were all waiting... I was waiting The problem I refused to settle
All prolific’s aside one beautiful paradox to another, don’t you know how wonderful you feel wrapped
I want you Just like a drug Feed me I need more Insatiable appetite
I must collect myself for I am slipping