Mandy Leah


I’m shivering & shaking
with no clothing
raw & naked
exposed to raw feeling
it’s dissolving
around  my aura
soaking & seeping
in, leaving me
dripping like blood
from an open wound
is there any hope?
only time can
bandage my wounds
they’ve said
who are they
to tell me
how to live?
they are but
walking cliches
covered by human flesh
& I feel the weight
of their sins
my air...
darkness circles
my eyes burn
straight through
the sting their hands
have left
upon my cheeks
when I too was flesh
before the sun melted
leaving dried pools
around my skeletal feet
like wax from the candle
that burnt all night
giving one last glimpse
of light before darkness
entered for all eternity
turning my bones
into gelatin...
to hold their
falsities & fakeness
through the seas
of mortality

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