Mandy Leah

Adapts Easy

There is no better feeling
Than when you put everything
into perspective
You feel the lightness of your body
and amazing happiness, elated
a new form of euphoria
So I don’t believe in being
at the right place at the right time,
as physical anymore
it’ s mental
you can make any place
the right place...
You know what I think?
If you want to be negative,
insecure and let everything
from your past control,
dictate or ruin your experiences
go ahead, but I’m not
I’m going to have fun
and embrace every moment
with open arms, call me naive
if you want but I call it
Really Living
You know what annoys
people who won’t let go
of a situation of the past
you know they live,
every moment saying...
well before —-this happened
so they don’t grow, they sit
and bitch about how
bad things are...
shut the fuck up!
Get up and do something
You can’t move forward
by standing still
It’s like they think the world
owes them something
Oh so you’ve been hurt?
You’ve had a bad experience?
Well, what can I do for you?
I mean, you’re the only one
who that’s ever happened too...
tell me more... Boo-fuckin-hoo
Cry me a river, why don’t you
Tell me what are you gonna
do about it?
This is your life, this is your dream,
and yeah everyone has a nightmare
from time to time    ——
but WAKE UP!
Here’s a little fact -
Nothing is ever the same,
No one is another and
it’s all about CHOICE...
Your choice, if you get off
your ass and do something
about it.

Otras obras de Mandy Leah...
