I go to places others won’t
The funny thing is I used to believe The problem Lied inside myself Like maybe
Riding fast she paid no attention broken mirrors it wasn’t there it was in the half left shield she noticed, it was her, it was her face, deep lines
I wait for you With open wounds Will I see you When you get back Yes, call your mum
I have to find... what is it that I wish to find... (bartender another) I see the bottom
Something exciting was about to happen I could feel it like energy running all through my body
Look maybe I don’t know don’t
I’m trying to find a place that’s… I’m trying to find a balance can’t I be met halfway So you don’t have time you can’t wait to get away
We are blood and bones dried up and ashes pacing, I let it flow ragged and bruised we slip by our fate
I watch you Do you see me Following with my eyes Handsome, tall With a vampires grin
Seeds of hope I hear those words on late night TV
I once read that, “It’s not the length of life, but… This statement I feel is true bey… How do people believe that time is more important than depth or feeli…
I can’t sleep... you’ve seeped Inside me
I want you Just like a drug Feed me I need more Insatiable appetite
I’m shivering & shaking with no clothing raw & naked exposed to raw feeling it’s dissolving